Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care

The holidays are here, the “most wonderful time of the year”! And even though sometimes it is, sometimes it really isn’t.

We all know how magical this time of year can be, and we also know how draining the holidays can be - physically and emotionally. Amidst the fun festive chaos, it is so, so important to take care of yourself.

Which is why we have compiled a list of our favorite self-care tips so you can truly enjoy this season!

Bronzed Holiday Self-Care Guide 2021

♡ Know that you are not alone in how you’re feeling, seriously. Though it is so amazing to catch up with family, sometimes it isn’t so amazing having to host and clean up after them. Most people feel the impending stress of the holiday season, but it doesn’t have to feel that way. Instead of dreading those domestic duties, try looking forward to embracing time with family, especially after the last couple years the world has had. Once it’s over, it’ll at least be funny to chat over coffee with the girls - they’ll likely be able to relate!

♡ Take time each day to care for yourself. It’s not selfish to not constantly be catering to  everybody else, promise. Whether that be taking 30 minutes to meditate, binging episodes of your favorite show, or giving yourself an at-home spa treatment (our Eminence face masques are seriously the best!☆) or just chilling out and online shopping by the fireplace in your comfy matching set - do it! These little things will save your sanity and will keep you in touch with all the things you love.

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♡ Get enough sleep! We’ve all been told our entire lives that getting enough sleep is imperative, but sometimes when 2am rolls around we justify staying up scrolling social media for “just another 20 minutes” because coffee will “save us” in the morning. It definitely isn’t easy shifting to a healthy sleep schedule, but the average adult needs 7+ hours of sleep a night to feel refreshed and ready to take on the next day! Try setting a “bedtime” on your devices as a reminder to wind down with a cup of Chamomile tea, and some white noise!

Speaking of scrolling social media until 2am, try to unplug as often as you can! Staring at our screens isn’t great for our eyes, or really our mental health. Social media is a great way to catch up with friends and family, but sometimes it leaves us comparing ourselves to others - and we all know how that usually leaves us feeling. Just a friendly reminder too that behind that seemingly perfect family Christmas card, is probably a bit of arguing and dysfunction - like all families have! Instead of scrolling the FB feed for hours, try picking up a good book! (We really recommend You are a Badass.)

♡ Plan a self-care day. We’re talking the wholeeee sha-bang. Go get a facial,lashes filled, brazilian sugared, brows shaped, spray-tanned, all your favorite services-just treat yourself! You seriously deserve it. The Bronzed beauty team wants to provide your perfect self-care moment, (and if that doesn’t entice you… we have wine 😉). But seriously, self-care is key to feeling good. And only you can do that for yourself.

♡ Make time to see friends! This time of year often reminds us of our friends that basically are family. Especially for those who can’t see family this year, that doesn’t mean you have to be alone! Have a laid-back wine night with the gals, grab your bestie and book a facial at the Bronzed Beauty House, meet up for brunch- whatever your group loves to do - these memories will last a lifetime.

♡ You don’t always need to be going-going-going. We live in a society where everybody always seems to be nonstop moving, but it’s more than okay (and even good for you) to just slow down. If you want to spend a day in PJ’s binging your favorite show with your furry friend - do it! If you don’t pick a day to rest, your body is going to pick it for you!

The holidays aren’t easy for everyone, so let’s make it a tradition to take care of ourselves over the holidays (and everyday!), it’s the best gift you can give.

Happy Holidays, Babes!

♡ XO, Bronzed

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