Simplify your Summer Routine

Hey, Denver babes- happy summertime in the 303!  

Bronzed wants to help simplify your getting ready routine, so you have more time to enjoy all the things you love :] What’s better than getting up for the day, and not having to apply eye makeup? #Iwokeuplikethis

Bronzed is offering…..

A FREE LASH TINT with a Lash Lift


$20 off a FULL SET of Lash Extensions

What is the main difference between a Lash Lift + Tint, vs a Full set of Lash Extensions?

All about a Lash Lift + Tint:

Lasts: up to 6 weeks

How: Your esthetician can achieve a natural-looking “lift” by applying a perming solution to your natural lashes, to make it look like you just curled your lashes! These are perfect for those who have straight or downward-facing natural lashes. And what better than a FREE TINT to give those lashes an even darker appearance? You’ll wake up and look like you already curled, and applied mascara!

All about Lash Extensions:

Lasts: Fills necessary every 2-3 weeks, depending on the client’s natural lash state!

How: Your esthetician will apply one extension to one natural lash, which results in a natural or dramatic appearance depending on your natural lashes, and the perfect look you are going for!

Though the outcome of both is absolutely stunning, one may be a better fit for you than the other! Find out with this limited-time June special- fair warning, you may get hooked on them ;)

Book online at

& don’t forget to follow along on our socials, to be the first to hear about our upcoming specials! Instagram & TikTok @bronzeddenver

Can’t wait to treat you!



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